The origin of the word theology means the science of God. Indeed, theology was considered the queen of all the sciences for a long time. Congregations are about theology just as schools are about education. Theology includes doctrines and creeds. Theology also includes a way of life, particular practices, seeing things more deeply, asking questions about life, death, meaning, values, love, forgiveness, and much more. Perhaps your and other congregants seek resources that will support holy conversations about such matters. Talking and thinking aren't the only ways to shape a God-focused congregation. Yet, theological reflection is like self-reflection. After all, there is a connection between self-knowledge and knowledge of God. Consider the resources below as possible starting places to think about God so that the divine markers of creation are more visible in your congregational life. If you aren't sure where to start, let us recommend one of the videos: Bonhoeffer or Backs Against the Wall
5 Resources