15 results for Refugees


How Christians Can Help Refugees and Displaced People
This article, published by the Reformed Church Press, provides tangible ways that faith...
How Your Children's Ministry Can Reach Refugees
This article helps congregations understand the refugee crisis, reconcile why there might...
How pastors can help their congregations address the issue of immigration
This practical article offers ways to address immigration with congregations, particularly...
I Was a Stranger: What the Bible Says about Immigrants
This list of scripture passages reveals God’ s care for those who have been displaced. ...
Radical Hospitality: Responding to the issue of Immigration
This Mennonite curriculum provides a 6 to 13-week Bible study about immigration.
Sanctuary: A Discernment Guide for Congregations
This guide explains the immigration Sanctuary Movement and how congregations can support...
Cultural Orientation Resource Center
This organization provides cultural Information services to support refugee communities.
Videos for Learning About Refugee Families and Youth
These short videos share what refugee youth and their families face when adjusting to life in...
web resource
Who is my Neighbor?
This series of articles shares the story of Westbury UMC's refugee resettlement ministry as a...
Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion & Truth in the Immigration Debate
This easy-to-read book clarifies the complexities of immigration and provides biblical context...
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